This document discusses the content ingestion workflow for TVBits. Content ingestion into Wurl’s platform uses syndication feeds based on the MRSS specification, which includes rich media metadata along with media file assets.
While a feed may contain one or more types of content, this document will focus purely on content that will become TVBits. For other content types, see Wurl MRSS Support.
All videos provided in the feed must conform to the Mezzanine Specification. Please note, Wurl cannot accept any kind of authorization token on the MRSS feed.
Wurl MRSS Specification
The following section describes elements highlighted from the MRSS specification used for Wurl content ingestion.
Namespace Declaration
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:wurl="">
Required. The single channel element contains information about the channel feed metadata and its contents.
Elements in <channel> section of your syndication feed:
<image> |
Required. URL of your website or app. (Required for feed validation, but not used by Wurl).
<pubDate>Thu, 10 Sep 2018 12:34:12 -0500</pubDate>
Required. Date and time of last feed update in RFC-822 date-time format.
<media:category scheme="urn:wurl:channel:key">NFL</media:category> |
Optional. A reference tag by which to group Bits into a dynamic channel. Length: 50 characters or less. Usage is for specific embellishment of the Bits, rather than generic categorization. For example: Enter the value of “NFL” instead of football. The value(s) provided at this level will be propagated to all the item nodes. If you wish to override these "key" values for a particular item node, just add the tags to that node.
<media:category scheme="urn:wurl:channel:slug">publisher_channel_slug</media:category>
Optional. A reference tag by which to group Bits into a FAST channel. Length: 50 characters or less. Usage is for specific association of the Bits to a FAST channel, rather than generic categorization. The value provided at this level will be propagated to all the item nodes. If you wish to override this “slug" value for a particular item node, just add the same element to that node with a different channel slug value.
Your syndication feed should contain multiple <item> groups, one for each video. These are the elements in <item> section of feed:
<title>A Title</title> |
Required. Title of the video. Recommended length: 50 characters or less.
<description>A Description</description> |
Required. Brief description of the video. Recommended length: 200 characters or less.
Short Description
<media:category scheme="urn:wurl:description_110">TVBits version of larger video</media:category>
Optional. The character limit is 110 or less.
<pubDate>Thu, 10 Sep 2018 12:34:12 -0500</pubDate>
Required. The video’s release date and time in RFC-822 date-time format.
<media:thumbnail height="720"url="http://origin_domain_here/thumbnails/123.jpg" width="1280"/>
Required. URL of a thumbnail image to be associated with your video. The aspect ratio should be 16:9 and format .jpg, .png, or .svg.
<media:content url="http://origin_domain_here/videos/123.mp4" duration="5400"/>
Required. The URL of a high-quality encoding of your MPEG4 video asset. Please see the Wurl Mezzanine Asset Spec for more info.
<media:keywords>humor, sports, football</media:keywords>
Required. Highly relevant keywords describing the video. Recommended limit of 10 keywords or phrases. The keywords and phrases should be comma-delimited.
<guid isPermaLink="false">ABCDE12345</guid>
Required. A string that uniquely identifies the item. Non-URL guids are preferred but URLs are accepted but can not be signed URLs.
External ID
<media:category scheme="urn:wurl:external:id">123456-1</media:category>
Optional. An external video ID used to identify the video in a CMS, used as a CAID for ad configuration and also another search method for assets and TVBits in the scheduler.
Episode External ID
<media:category scheme="urn:wurl:episode_external:id">789-2</media:category> |
Optional. An external id used to identify the target Wurl episode.
<media:category scheme="urn:wurl:genre">Cooking</media:category>
Optional. Assigns a genre. Video-service-specific genres can be added in this format:
<media:category scheme="urn:roku:genre">Action</media:category> |
<media:rating scheme="urn:mpaa">pg-13</media:rating> |
Optional. This allows content ratings to be declared. See more info on Wurl MRSS Tags
Wurl Content Type
<media:category scheme="urn:wurl:content_type">shortFormVideo</media:category>
Optional. If you are sending neither a movie nor an episode you can specify if the content should be a shortFormVideo.
Wurl Internal Title
<media:category scheme="urn:wurl:internal_title">String Value</media:category>
Optional. Title for internal reference.
Wurl Description 110
<media:category scheme="urn:wurl:description_110">Short Description up to 110 character</media:category>
Optional. A short description field up to 110 characters.
Wurl Tag
<media:category scheme="urn:wurl:tags">promo</media:category> |
Optional. This allows you to tag a video as being a promotional video, ad slate, or Bits.
<media:category scheme="urn:wurl:channel:key">NFL</media:category> |
Optional. A reference tag by which to group and/or search episodes. Length: 50 characters or less. Usage is for specific embellishment of the Bits, rather than generic categorization. For example: Enter the value of “NFL” instead of football. Overrides the root level Key.
Region Restrictions
<media:restriction relationship=”allow” type=”country”>us au</media:restriction>
Optional. Currently, only applicable to “Bits”. This allows you to place restrictions based on country code on media sharing. Values are a list of ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes separated by a space or the keyword “all”.
For “relationship”, you can specify either to “allow” or “deny”.
For “type”, Wurl will only enforce a type of “country”.
For more information see
Bits Restrictions
<wurl:restrictions> |
Optional. This allows you to place restrictions on whether a video asset can be used to create Bits or not. Values are start/end timestamp(s) within each segment element. Additionally, can utilize the keyword “all”.
For “relationship”, you can specify either to “allow” or “deny”.
To prevent an asset from being utilized to create Bits, designate a relationship of “deny” and a value of “all” within the segment element.
Note: By default, any asset without this restriction element will be considered as relationship “allow”, segment value “all”. This restriction element does not apply to assets with <media:category scheme=”urn:wurl:tags”> with “bits” value.
License Availability Windows
<dcterms:valid>start=02 Dec 2021;end=30 Jun 2022; scheme=W3C-DTF</</dcterms:valid>
Optional. Start and end dates indicate the time period the video is available for distribution. Multiple entries of this tag can be used to specify multiple valid windows. See example below
TVBits MRSS Examples
Asset pre-created as a Bit w/ Channel key
This example shows an ingested asset already prepared as Bit by the Content Company. The Bit is linked to the channel by noting the channel’s ID (i.e. slug) within the media:category element of scheme type: urn:wurl:channel:slug. Additionally, this Bit can be distributed in any country.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
Asset not allowed for Bits
This example highlights an asset ingested for FAST delivery, but not allowed for Bits usage.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
Asset allowed for Bits w/ restrictions on sections content and distribution window
This example highlights an asset available for Bits creation, with time-ranges restricted from being included in any created Bits. Additionally, restrict Bits distribution within a certain date range.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
Media File Specification
For the latest specifications, please visit our live Mezzanine Specification page.