Send all your media files as well as your metadata file via one of the below delivery methods:
SFTP (preferred)
Signiant Upload Portal
File Delivery
The file delivery method is a manual process of associating video files with their corresponding components and metadata to create schedulable assets. An asset is a collection of components as outlined below:
Video File* (Required)
Asset Metadata* (Required)
Artwork File (Required for most connectors)
Caption File (Required for most connectors)
Submitting Metadata
Metadata drives the ingestion process, making accuracy critical. The benefits of submitting precise and robust metadata include:
- More rapid availability for programming
- Better organization and searchability of your content on Wurl
Delivering your assets to Wurl
To begin the content delivery process, download the Wurl File Upload Metadata template. Below are the specs for each individual metadata field.
The metadata must be provided as a CSV file. Wurl currently does not support XLS or Google Sheet formats. CSVs can be made in Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel. Please be aware that using Microsoft Excel to create CSVs, the settings will need to be COMMA SEPARATED.
- Make sure that the completed CSV is formatted correctly to prevent any issues with the ingestion process for your assets.
- CSV will need to be encoded in UTF-8 when uploading metadata with non-English characters.
Field |
Description |
External ID |
An internal identifier for your video |
Title (Required) |
Title of the video or episode, displayed to the viewer on the Video Service’s UI. |
Internal Title |
Internal title you would like to use only inside Wurl platform. |
Description |
The description of the video or episode, usually displayed to the viewer on the services you distribute to. |
Short Description |
Short description or synopsis of the video. Limited to 110 characters, anything after that will be truncated |
Release Date |
Release Date of the Asset. Please use YYYY-MM-DD format. |
Video Filename (Required) |
The EXACT filename of the video file for the asset. Our automation uses this to link the asset components together. If it’s not exactly correct, the content will fail to register with Wurl. Filenames must not include spaces or special characters (i.e. %, $, #, @, á, ę, ï, ô ù, etc.). If you'd like to have multiple versions of the same asset, the video filename for each version MUST be unique. |
Artwork Filename |
The EXACT filename of the artwork or thumbnail file for the asset. Preferred format is JPG in a 16x9 aspect ratio at a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels or larger. Filenames must not include spaces or special characters (i.e. %, $, #, @, á, ę, ï, ô ù, etc.). |
Keywords |
Used for searching across your content within Wurl. This data may be made available to distribution services for use in their search tools. |
Categories |
Specify a category for your video. |
Series Name |
Name of series if the video is part of a series of content. |
Series Description |
A description of the series to which the asset belongs |
Series External Id |
An internal identifier for your Series |
Season Number |
The season number if the video is part of a series. |
Episode Number |
The episode number if the video is part of a series. |
Series Artwork Filename |
The EXACT filename of the artwork or thumbnail file for the series if the video is part of a series. Preferred format is JPG in a 16x9 aspect ratio at a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels or larger. Filenames must not include spaces or special characters (i.e. %, $, #, @, á, ę, ï, ô ù, etc.). |
Closed Caption Filename |
EXACT filename of the closed caption file for the asset. Captions must contain 0-aligned timecodes in order to properly sync with audio. Accepted formats are SCC or SRT.
Filenames must not include spaces or special characters (i.e. %, $, #, @, á, ę, ï, ô ù, etc.). |
Genre Source |
Genre Source you would like to ingest. Enter one of {wurl, roku, samsung, sinclair, nielsen, lg} |
Genre Value |
Enter the Genre value |
Rating Source |
Rating Source you would like to ingest. Enter one of {BMUKK, CNC, CBSC, FSK, AGCOM, ICAA, BBFC, CHVRS, MPAA, USA_PR, SAMSUNG, KMRB, DJCTQ, NCS, EIRIN, Régie du cinéma, Brazil LG, EU LG} |
Rating Value |
Enter the Rating Value |
Cut Points |
Timecodes within the video file where you wish for the content to break and an ad marker to be placed (format: 00:00:00.000 [HH:MM:SS.MSS], with comma-separated timecodes) |
Entry Type |
Sets entry type field for the asset. |
Is Ad? |
Indicates that the asset is an ad slate. If it is, mark field as “yes”. Ad slates are used for automatic insertion of markup used for ad insertion/substitution at playback. This will also display the asset type as "ad" on the scheduler. |
Is Promo? |
Indicates that the asset is a promo. If it is, mark field as “yes”. This will also display the asset type as "promo" on the scheduler. |
Directors |
Names of Directors of the content. If there are more than one of each, then must separate with a comma and the entire value in double-quotes.Please note that Google Sheets and Excel will auto-add double quotes if names are separated by a comma.
Producers |
Names of Producers of the content. If there are more than one of each, then must separate with a comma and the entire value in double-quotes. Please note that Google Sheets and Excel will auto-add double quotes if names are separated by a comma.
Actors |
Names of Actors of the content. If there is more than one of each, then must be separated with a comma and the entire value in double-quotes. Please note that Google Sheets and Excel will auto-add double quotes if names are separated by a comma.
Channel Slug |
A single value, reference field by which to group Bits into a FAST channel. Length: 50 characters or less. Usage is for specific association of the Bits to a FAST channel, rather than generic categorization. |
Channel Keys |
A reference tag by which to group and/or search episodes. Usage is for specific embellishment of the Bits, rather than generic categorization. For example: Enter the value of “NFL” instead of football. Multiple keys can be supported so long as they are comma-separated and the entire field is enclosed within double-quotes. Example: “NFL, NFC, AFC”. Please note that Google Sheets and Excel will auto-add double quotes if names are separated by a comma. |
Bits Segment Restriction Type |
This field allows you to place restrictions on whether a video asset can be used to create Bits or not. Permissible values within this field are: allow or deny. This field is used in conjunction with the next field “Bits Segment Restriction Values”. |
Bits Segment Restriction Values |
Utilized in conjunction with the previous field “Bits Segment Restriction Type”. Values are start/end timecodes. Multiple restriction segments can be supported so long as they are comma-separated and the entire field is enclosed within double-quotes. Note: If the Bits Segment Restriction Type field holds a value and this field is left blank, then the Segment Restriction Type applies to the entirety of the asset. It is similar to entering in the start value of “00:00:00.000” and the actual end timecode or utilizing the keyword “all”. |
Bits Region Restriction Type |
This field allows you to place restrictions based on country code on media sharing. Permissible values within this field are: allow or deny. This field is used in conjunction with the next field “Bits Region Restriction Values”. |
Bits Region Restriction Values |
Utilized in conjunction with the previous field “Bits Region Restriction Type”. Values are a list of ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes separated by a space or the keyword “all”. |
Rights Windows |
Start and end period for when an asset can be scheduled/distributed.
Show Limits |
The number of times an asset can be scheduled within a particular time
For more information about Bits, please visit the Bits Ingestion - File Delivery page
SFTP Upload Instructions
Below is a step-by-step guideline for SFTP package uploads.
Download a file transfer application like FileZilla, Cyberduck, or Transmit.
Locate the email you received from Wurl containing your SFTP credentials:
- Host
- Username
- Password
Once connected, you’ll see your “Uploads” folder appear. This folder is the bridge between your local storage and Wurl.
Drag all your asset package components (including its metadata CSV) into this folder to begin uploading your files. Upload all assets in either no folder at all or in a single folder. If you have multiple folders, you will need to make sure all the asset package components are in the same folder. Remembering the folders you have created is necessary for redelivering your assets.
Be sure to upload your metadata CSV and all corresponding assets via SFTP and include every asset listed in the CSV no more and no less.
Please double-check your CSVs to ensure all filenames in the CSVs are correct as incorrect file names will stall the upload process.
You’re all set! As long as there are no metadata errors that require manual resolution, your assets will be available for linear and VOD scheduling on Wurl within 6 hours.